I've been balking at playing a 5th edition game at my local library because I don't know anyone playing. I've tried talking myself into going but I always find an excuse not to go.
My local game shop, Gateway Games is hosting a Starfinder game this week.I am going to attended though I don't know anyone playing. My brain is a strange place...
There is a game bar in Cincinnati called the Rook. It is the most fun night out I've had in a long time. If there is a board game bar in your town, GO! if there isn't, OPEN ONE!
Three RPG's I would like to play in 2017.
1. Starfinder
2. Hollow Earth Expedition
3. 5th edition
Also, I am going to GM a Hollow Earth game in the near future. Who wants in?
Even if you don't have kids, you should be watching "Story Bots" on Netflix. It's excellent.
I would watch the dog doo doo out of a Lord of the Rings TV show. Get on it!
If you ever find yourself in Columbus, Ohio make sure you head over to The Soldiery. An top shelf game shop!
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Random Thoughts
5th edition,
gateway games,
random thoughts,
the soldiery
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Friday, November 3, 2017
The Defector: Captain Willian
I have been writing a Starfinder campaign on the blog called "The Defector," that centers around a Vesk general who leaves the Empire in an attempt to change the tide of the war. The fist major NPC of the campaign is Willian, the captain of the freighter that is scheduled to rendezvous with the defecting general. With the aid of the Alien Archive, I was able to build a sweet NPC that I wanted to share with you.
CR 6 HP: 80
EAC: 16 KAC: 19
FORT +5 REF +5 WILL +9
CHA +5 INT +3 DEX +2
Master Sense Motive +18
Master Bluff +18
Or Intimidate +13
LIGHT ARMOR: Carbon Skin, graphite.
SMALL ARM: +14 Laser Pistol, Corona (2d4+6) CRIT (burn 1d4)
BASIC MELEE WEAPON: +12 Dueling Sword (1d6+6+2)
6TH LEVEL ENVOY IMPROV: HEADS UP: When you succeed at a perception check, as a reaction, you can signal a single ally w/in 60ft. That ally can act as if he had succeeded at the perception check with the same result.
4TH LEVEL ENVOY IMPROV: FOCUS: As a standard action, you can encourage a single ally within 60ft to focus on the danger at hand.
1ST LEVEL ENVOY IMPROV: GET EM. Chose one enemy w/in 60ft. Until the start of your next turn, allies gain +1 morale bonus to attack rolls made against that enemy. Bonus persists even if enemy moves beyond 60ft. At 6th level spend 1 resolve point to grant bonus to attack and damage rolls against all enemies who are w/in 60 ft.
IMPROVED INTINTIVE: +4 bonus to initiative checks.
DIVERSION: You can draw attention to yourself, allowing your allies to slip away.
LIGHTING REFLEXES: +2 Bonus to reflex saves.
the defector
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
The Five Best Playable Races in the Starfinder Alien Archive
The Starfinder Alien Archive is finally out and man, is it
impressive! I've read some complaints on the interwebs about the book not being
substantial enough for the price but that's not what I do here. I like to keep
things positive! Real positive!
No, what I want to do is focus on the new playable races presented
in the Archive. Here are my five best playable races.
5. Space Goblin: I’m not going to lie, this selection is
based solely on the art work presented in the Archive. I love everything about
the look of these creatures, from the cracked Wally Wood style space helmet to
the cobbled together junk laser. I would love to play one of these little dudes
like Joe Pecsi from “Casino.”
4. Kalo: If it has wings like a bat it must be a bat, right? Nope.
The Kalo use there “wings” like fins, allowing these creatures to race through
the oceans and seas of their homeland. That’s right! The Kalo live in underwater
vent cities. The role-playing possibilities of an underwater kingdom like
Antlantis are too cool to pass up. I’d say the only drawback would be the Kalo’s
starting with a measly two HP.
3. Maraquoi: Dude, space monkeys. Need I say more?
2. Reptoid: Every good gaming system needs a good shape-shifter
and Starfinder is no exception. This sneaky bunch feature awesome spell like
abilities (1/day charm and command and at-will daze and telepathic command)
that would prove beneficial to an operative.
I also dig the 1d3 lethal slashing damage with unarmed strikes.
1.Nuar: SUPER SMART SPACE MINOTUARS! That’s right! The Nuar get a
+2 racial mod to intelligence. My absurd dream of playing a minotaur wizard may
finally be realized. However this situation is waaay better because I get to play a SPACE WIZARD
There you have it. My list. I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Feel free to share them in the comment section below.
There you have it. My list. I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Feel free to share them in the comment section below.
alien archive,
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Thursday, October 26, 2017
What are You Playing this Weekend?
Tell me all about your upcoming adventures. Is there a big boss fight? Think you will finally find your way out of what seems to be a never ending dungeon? Will you roll that ever so high Will save?
This Saturday, the Heavy Gigs crew return to Sea Side City. Things get a little hairy for the gang as the adventure has landed them right smack dab in the middle of a werewolf gang rumble. The most unexpected and off the wall events are always popping off in Seaside City.
If you've missed any of the adventures and enjoy a good play through podcasts, make sure to give "Heavy Gigs in Seaside City" a listen.

This Saturday, the Heavy Gigs crew return to Sea Side City. Things get a little hairy for the gang as the adventure has landed them right smack dab in the middle of a werewolf gang rumble. The most unexpected and off the wall events are always popping off in Seaside City.
If you've missed any of the adventures and enjoy a good play through podcasts, make sure to give "Heavy Gigs in Seaside City" a listen.
heavy gigs,
play through,
spirit of 77,
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
You're My Inspiration
Once a month or so I head to my local used book store. I
love a good used book store. They are
great place to find old gaming manuals. Also the selection of fantasy and
sci-fi novels are always solid. A few of my better scores include Conan, Tarzan
and Princess of Mars novels.
On my last trip, I came across an old mass market Elrick
paperback novel. I hadn’t read any Moorcock but his work has come highly
recommended so I figured what the hell.
The cover art was dope and the description seemed solid enough, so I
bought it. Boy, am I glad I did. The book entitled “The Stormbringer,” is a
collection of short stories of Elrick’s adventures. If you aren’t familiar, Elrick is an albino elf
that wields an evil runesword. Man, it’s soooooooo good.
I gotta tell ya, nothing
gets my role playing engine running like reading great sword and sorcery. My dicehand starts shaking and my mind begins
to race. How my character would react to the situations presented in the
stories? I ponder the stats of Elrick’s companions as well as the evil
do-ers. Man, I gotta play!!!
Where does it come from for you as a GM or as a player while
creating a new PC? Maybe you’re favorite
film character, a novel perhaps? Share your inspiration here with us!
Princess of Mars,
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Friday, October 13, 2017
Starfinder Campaign: The Defector part 2
The ship fights off the space goblin threat and continues
uninterrupted to the rendezvous point. Another ship appears out of a nebula. This
new ship is a light freighter and hails the PC’s ship. The two ships dock and
the exchange is made. Willian orders his crew to the cargo hold. Once here we
meet Obiang, the Vesk General and his entourage* (as well as any Vesk PC’s in
the party. These PC’s are loyal to the general.) Willain informs the PCs they are to accompany
Obiang safely to the Station where he will brief the core world’s leaders and
military personal on the info he knows regarding the Vesk supply chain, troop movements
and other info.
Our ship is back underway heading toward the Station. While
the vessel is navigating through the Diaspora , it is discovered by a Vesk
battle cruiser. The Vesk ship hails the freighter and demands the ship’s
manifest. Willian isn’t on the bridge ATM, so the PC captain will be forced to
roll DC checks, which will fail, it’s just a matter of how bad. If the DC rolls
are awful, the Vesk ship will open fire on the freighter. If the rolls go
better, the Vesk will demand to send over an away team to inspect the vessel.
No matter the outcome, be it inspection or a quick fire
fight, Willian orders the PC’s to get Obiang on board an escape pod to avoid
capture by the Vesk. As the escape pod drifts into the Diaspora, the freighter
explodes, destroyed by the Vesk cruiser.
role playing,
space goblins,
the defector,
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Friday, October 6, 2017
My Starfinder Campaign: The Defector part 1
I thought this would be a cool place to brainstorm my
Starfinder campaign. If you guys and gals dig it feel free to use the idea for your game. If you have questions or recommendations for the events feel free to use the comments section.
This campaign takes place during the Vesk invasion outlined
in the players guide. The jist of the
campaign is: A Vesk general is defecting
and it the PC’s job to deliver the defector safely to the station. (If a member of your party that is playing a Vesk,
no worries. I’ve got that covered.)
The opening setting is a freighter speeding through the
galaxy. The PC’s are serving as the bride crew of a freighter commanded by
Captian Willian. (I am not going to assign a race/class/theme for this or any
of the NPC’s here on the blog. My thinking here is I would leave those
decisions up to the individual GMs.) The
crew is aware they are on a mission that is militarist in nature though none are
aware of the particulars. Willian orders the pilot to a heading for a
rendezvous with another vessel.
During their travels to the rendezvous point, the ship is
attacked by Space Goblins junkships.
This seems like a good place to end. Next week I will continue on with the campaign as well as providing stats for your freighter and the junkships.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts and subscribe.
space goblins,
the defector
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Dave Kizzia of Monkey Fun Studios
I have been singing the praises of Spirit of 77 since I started this blog about a month ago. I recently interviewed Dave Kizzia, co writer of the game on a podcast I co-host called Word Bros. I figured since there is a bit of cross over, you might want to take a look. If you've ever wanted to write your own game or have an interest in the process, give this a watch.
monkeyfun studios,
spirit of 77,
table top
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Sunday, September 24, 2017
How Did Your Games Go This Weekend?
How did the rolls treat you this weekend? Did you pass all of your skill checks? Were you able to defeat all of your blood thirsty enemies? Have you started your Starfinder campaign? I would love to hear all about your games!
As for my weekend, Our 4th edition party was betrayed by a clan of Zain-Kin (ape men) to a powerful dragon that rules a lost city. A good old fashioned "sense motive" check might've helped...But no! 4th edition only has something called "insight." Insight??!? The hell does that mean? Thanks for nothing, 4th edition.
Tonight, we head back to Sea Side City for some further adventures in our Spirit of 77 campaign. Looking forward to all that madness!
As for my weekend, Our 4th edition party was betrayed by a clan of Zain-Kin (ape men) to a powerful dragon that rules a lost city. A good old fashioned "sense motive" check might've helped...But no! 4th edition only has something called "insight." Insight??!? The hell does that mean? Thanks for nothing, 4th edition.
Tonight, we head back to Sea Side City for some further adventures in our Spirit of 77 campaign. Looking forward to all that madness!
role playing,
sense motive,
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
So Many Games So Little Time
As for this very instant, I am currently playing in three games. I've compiled a list. See below.
4th Edition D&D
Spirit of 77.
I'm planning to add a Stafinder game (or two) to this already crowded list. Some of you may be reading this thinking "Three games isn't that many! What is this dude talking about!" Factor in I am a stay at home father of two, a good husband, a professional comic book writer, a podcaster and now the author of this blog...What I'm saying is my time is I got a lot of stuff going on, but I want to play more games!I want to play ALL THE GAMES! These titles I find especially interesting!
Hollow Earth Expeditions: All the old school pulp action in on game! Sign me up. Hollow Earth was one of the books I presented to the Pathfinder group. We ended up going with Spirit of 77, which if you've read previous posts is a wonderful game. That being said, I'd being lying if I said I wasn't a bit disappointed in the group's choice. I LOVE the pulp genre. The character classes are ripped from the pages of King Solomon's Mines, The Lost World and A Princess of Mars. The settings presented for adventuring range from the bustling concrete jungle of New York City to the actual uncharted jungles of Central and South America. I played a mod at GenCon and I was hooked.
Tales From the Loop: Speaking of mods at GenCon, I also spent a bit of time in the world presented in Tales from the Loop and I was impressed. Think Stand by Me meets District 9 but with robots. TFtL follows a group of pre-teen 80's kids exploring the strangeness of their town, which happens to reside in the shadow of a large particle accelerator. Pre-teens and large experimental science, what could go wrong?
Star Trek Adventures: I admit. I am a huge Star Trek fan. So much so I even gave The Orville a shot. Being a kid of the late 80's early 90's, my favorite era of Trek is TNG and DS9. This game lives and breathes in the Berman/Braga Trek universe. Want to play a Bajoran tactical officer fighting off the Dominion? Or maybe a Klingon security officer chasing a Ferengi arms dealer? Than this is the game for you. And me! Let me play too!
There you have it. My wish list of games. Tell me, what games are out there that you want to play but just can't seem to find the time?
4th Edition D&D
Spirit of 77.
I'm planning to add a Stafinder game (or two) to this already crowded list. Some of you may be reading this thinking "Three games isn't that many! What is this dude talking about!" Factor in I am a stay at home father of two, a good husband, a professional comic book writer, a podcaster and now the author of this blog...What I'm saying is my time is I got a lot of stuff going on, but I want to play more games!I want to play ALL THE GAMES! These titles I find especially interesting!
Tales From the Loop: Speaking of mods at GenCon, I also spent a bit of time in the world presented in Tales from the Loop and I was impressed. Think Stand by Me meets District 9 but with robots. TFtL follows a group of pre-teen 80's kids exploring the strangeness of their town, which happens to reside in the shadow of a large particle accelerator. Pre-teens and large experimental science, what could go wrong?
Star Trek Adventures: I admit. I am a huge Star Trek fan. So much so I even gave The Orville a shot. Being a kid of the late 80's early 90's, my favorite era of Trek is TNG and DS9. This game lives and breathes in the Berman/Braga Trek universe. Want to play a Bajoran tactical officer fighting off the Dominion? Or maybe a Klingon security officer chasing a Ferengi arms dealer? Than this is the game for you. And me! Let me play too!
There you have it. My wish list of games. Tell me, what games are out there that you want to play but just can't seem to find the time?
Monday, September 18, 2017
A Starfinder Poem.
Two word.
Space Minotaur.
Let's make it happen.
Space Minotaur.
Let's make it happen.
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Friday, September 15, 2017
My First Starfinder Character Build
The first decision I made was my character would not kill. Why? Well, I thought it would be a fun challenge to roll play. How would this type of character be received by the party? How would he/she deal with an especially cruel or bloodthirsty PC? I would deal damage but I would be non-lethal. I pictured he/she carrying a stun weapon (ranged) and a whip used to disarm enemies. A whip! IN SPACE! How cool is that! I pictured either a young and naive explorer who is more interested in knowledge than dealing death or a grizzled old warrior that has seen enough death to last a thousand lifetimes.
I knew I wanted to play a Ysoki. I liked the idea of play a loud, fast talking rat folk. I pictured Joe Pesci's Leo Getz from Lethal Weapon. The next two choices came a little slower. I normally play magic users but for some unexplained reason neither of the magical classes spoke to me. I was however drawn to the operative class. I liked the amount of skill points offered (8+INT MOD) and the different builds provided. I could play a quick witted thief, or a cunning spy or a thrill seeking explorer out for glory. In Starfinder, a player must pick a theme for their character. I think this is a nice touch because it gives the player a chance to breath life and creativity into their PC. I chose a spacefarer because I liked the +1 CON bonus and I felt the build fit nicely with the explorer operative.
And there you have it! My first Starfinder PC is a Ysoki/Spacefarer/Operative that refuses to kill due to a higher moral code. This should be fun. Next week, I will share the nuts and bolts ( ability scores, weapons and feats) with you guys.
If you are reading this, please tell me all about your first Starfinder character. Thanks for reading. Have a great weekend.
If you are reading this, please tell me all about your first Starfinder character. Thanks for reading. Have a great weekend.
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Advice for a First Time GM

Yep. I've never GMed a game. Not once. I've offered my services only to be rebuffed by more experienced GMs. I feel I am a quality backseat GM. Meaning I will freely and often offer my story ideas and plot twists to my GM or anyone else willing to listen. I've toyed with the idea, writing campaign outlines only to stop midstream, gripped by fear and failure!
Now after all that I think I am ready to take the plunge. I have offered my services as a GM to our Starfinder game. I am a little nervous. There is the afore mentioned fear which is compounded by Gming an entirely new system . That being said, I am working on my story. I have a solid outline, a few important NPCs and a even a few rounds of combat. I've even bought the Absalom Station mod as a way to get my feet wet with the new system. But what if I suck? What if the players hate the game? What if i don't know all the rules? or I buy the wrong GM screen?!?!
Someone help! I am looking for advice. Is there like a GM book camp I can attend? Maybe a support group for first timers? I'd be willing. I could bring snacks. Anyway, feel free to share your knowledge! Thanks!
game master,
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Thursday, September 7, 2017
#TBT My favorite PC
First off, I want to welcome and thank all of you for checking out the blog. I have been humbled by the amount of likes and shares on social media. I hope you continue to check out my little corner of the RPG universe.
Recently I was catching up with a dear friend. Our conversation eventually game around to the 4th edition D&D game we played in together for almost seven years. Yep, you read that correctly. I played 4th edition and I LOVED IT! Granted the game was wonky in spots, trying to keep up with all of the pluses and minuses that came up in combat was damn near impossible. Despite the cumbersome rules our GM crafted an adventurous world for our PCs.
Personally, I enjoyed this campaign because it was the birthplace of my most memorable PC, a minotaur barbarian named Dutch (after Arnold Schwarzenegger's character from Predator and yes, I did the Arnold voice in character, albeit poorly.) Dutch was the definition of a savage, raging, blood thirsty barbarian. The young warrior got his party into many unnecessary combat encounters due to his quick temper and bad attitude. It was an amazing roll to play. I enjoyed it to the fullest.
Unfortunately, Dutch didn't survive. He met his end in a long and drawn out combat secession. Dutch was going toe to toe with another warrior. The blows exchanged that day were mighty. Both warriors fought bravely for their Gods but on this day Dutch was the stronger combatant. The powerful barbarian gained the upper hand in the battle due to his "blood rage, " meaning he dealt more damage when blooded. After that battle, the party's cleric ask Dutch if he could attend to his wounds. Dutch, very much the bullheaded minotaur declined. He gained more satisfaction from the extra damage he dealt then from a few measly HP. Dutch ran off to engage another but was cut down by the blade of the vicious pit fighter.
I was sad when Dutch came face to face with his god, Bane. However, I was at ease with his death. It's never fun to lose a PC but Dutch's bloody death was very much in the spirit of the character. At the end of the day, that's all that matter.
Now, this post can't be all about me. I would like you guys to tell me about your most memorable PC. Also, if you enjoy what you are reading, follow and share. Thanks!
Recently I was catching up with a dear friend. Our conversation eventually game around to the 4th edition D&D game we played in together for almost seven years. Yep, you read that correctly. I played 4th edition and I LOVED IT! Granted the game was wonky in spots, trying to keep up with all of the pluses and minuses that came up in combat was damn near impossible. Despite the cumbersome rules our GM crafted an adventurous world for our PCs.
Personally, I enjoyed this campaign because it was the birthplace of my most memorable PC, a minotaur barbarian named Dutch (after Arnold Schwarzenegger's character from Predator and yes, I did the Arnold voice in character, albeit poorly.) Dutch was the definition of a savage, raging, blood thirsty barbarian. The young warrior got his party into many unnecessary combat encounters due to his quick temper and bad attitude. It was an amazing roll to play. I enjoyed it to the fullest.
Unfortunately, Dutch didn't survive. He met his end in a long and drawn out combat secession. Dutch was going toe to toe with another warrior. The blows exchanged that day were mighty. Both warriors fought bravely for their Gods but on this day Dutch was the stronger combatant. The powerful barbarian gained the upper hand in the battle due to his "blood rage, " meaning he dealt more damage when blooded. After that battle, the party's cleric ask Dutch if he could attend to his wounds. Dutch, very much the bullheaded minotaur declined. He gained more satisfaction from the extra damage he dealt then from a few measly HP. Dutch ran off to engage another but was cut down by the blade of the vicious pit fighter.
I was sad when Dutch came face to face with his god, Bane. However, I was at ease with his death. It's never fun to lose a PC but Dutch's bloody death was very much in the spirit of the character. At the end of the day, that's all that matter.
Now, this post can't be all about me. I would like you guys to tell me about your most memorable PC. Also, if you enjoy what you are reading, follow and share. Thanks!
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Page Twelve and the Creative Player
As I was prepping for my latest installment of Heavy Gigs in Sea Side City, our Spirit of 77 podcast, I scoured through the rule book looking for helpful info.
Anton, our DJ (GM) had put my character, the ex-pro wrestler turned PI Buddy White in a no win situation. In a bit of quality story telling by Anton, the repercussions of Buddy's actions in the first secession were coming to haunt him at the end of the second. See, what had happened was, Buddy broke into a hotel room to investigate a potential client for Miss Sweetwell (the disco owner, arms dealer Buddy works for.) During the B&E, an old woman pulled a pistol on ol' Buddy, who was trying desperately to talk his way out of this heated situation. His chatter only enraged the old woman, mainly because she knew he was bs'ing her, so this old lady fired a warning shot at Buddy. So, in a moment of panic, Buddy White, with all the might of his six foot 4 inch 246 pound frame hit this old broad in the face, crumpling her old bones to a pile of dust. Buddy quickly fled from the scene. Fast forward to the end of secession two, that same old woman and a gang of goons show up ambushing Buddy and his pals. I needed a way out and I needed one quick. This is where the players guide comes in.
Spirit of 77 is not your average roleplaying game. The writers tell the players that the book is only a base of rules and if those rules they have constructed hamper the fun don't use them.Wow! this, as a creative player is great. The writers are actively encouraging the players to play their game their way! The rules also tells the players to help the DJ set the mood of the scene by adding props, scenery, characters and other items that could move the game along. I found this nugget of salvation on page twelve! Good old page 12! This was my way out! Using page twelve as a guide and bit of my own creativity, I envisioned a window cleaning scaffolding high atop the building on the street where the old woman's car pulled up. In my minds eye, I'll have Buddy pull his trusty .38 and file a shot that will cut through the rope sending the scaffolding crashing down on the cars below, giving Buddy and his pals a window to escape,in a move Jim Rockford would be proud of. Did my idea work? You will have to listen to the third episode of "Heavy Gigs in Sea Side City" to find out.
The point is, it is nice to see the creators of the game give the players room to be creative by not letting the rules of the game hamper the fun. Because at the end of the day, RPGs should be fun, right?
Anton, our DJ (GM) had put my character, the ex-pro wrestler turned PI Buddy White in a no win situation. In a bit of quality story telling by Anton, the repercussions of Buddy's actions in the first secession were coming to haunt him at the end of the second. See, what had happened was, Buddy broke into a hotel room to investigate a potential client for Miss Sweetwell (the disco owner, arms dealer Buddy works for.) During the B&E, an old woman pulled a pistol on ol' Buddy, who was trying desperately to talk his way out of this heated situation. His chatter only enraged the old woman, mainly because she knew he was bs'ing her, so this old lady fired a warning shot at Buddy. So, in a moment of panic, Buddy White, with all the might of his six foot 4 inch 246 pound frame hit this old broad in the face, crumpling her old bones to a pile of dust. Buddy quickly fled from the scene. Fast forward to the end of secession two, that same old woman and a gang of goons show up ambushing Buddy and his pals. I needed a way out and I needed one quick. This is where the players guide comes in.
Spirit of 77 is not your average roleplaying game. The writers tell the players that the book is only a base of rules and if those rules they have constructed hamper the fun don't use them.Wow! this, as a creative player is great. The writers are actively encouraging the players to play their game their way! The rules also tells the players to help the DJ set the mood of the scene by adding props, scenery, characters and other items that could move the game along. I found this nugget of salvation on page twelve! Good old page 12! This was my way out! Using page twelve as a guide and bit of my own creativity, I envisioned a window cleaning scaffolding high atop the building on the street where the old woman's car pulled up. In my minds eye, I'll have Buddy pull his trusty .38 and file a shot that will cut through the rope sending the scaffolding crashing down on the cars below, giving Buddy and his pals a window to escape,in a move Jim Rockford would be proud of. Did my idea work? You will have to listen to the third episode of "Heavy Gigs in Sea Side City" to find out.
The point is, it is nice to see the creators of the game give the players room to be creative by not letting the rules of the game hamper the fun. Because at the end of the day, RPGs should be fun, right?
creative players,
heavy gigs,
monkeyfun studios,
spirit of 77,
table top
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Dead Suns Incident at Absalom Station Chat
Wait! Oh, yes wait a minute Mister Postman! That's right mama, I got my Starfinder Dead Suns mod today. Well, technically I got it yesterday but I didn't have a chance to sit down and write a brag post about getting it. I am pumped! Obviously! I am posting about it!
I bought the mod because I've decided to GM a game and figured this would be the quickest and easiest way to get the players accustomed to the new system. Well that and I've never GM'ed a game before. Hold on, let's put a pin in that last statement (I will post about being a first time GM later in the month) and focus on the mod.
The adventure is pretty straight forward. A ghost ship pulling a mysterious asteroid has parked itself right outside of Absalom Station. Its the PC's job to answer all the questions that normally come with an empty ship towing a rock. The mod also features a few new monsters/aliens, which serves as a nice preview until the Alien Archive hits the streets in October.
My fav of the new aliens/monsters is the Bone Trooper. What is a Bone Trooper you ask? Well, let me tell ya! Using space magic and technological experiments powerful space magic folks have been able to reanimate the dead. Some of these creatures are mindless, boring boobs easily controlled by their creators. While other, these Bone Troopers preserve their intellects, memories and personalities! That's right! Walking, talking space skeletons with all of their meatbag persona. We're talking space Skeletor, BABY!!! I think I found my PC race, that's of my GM is cool with it. There are a few stats for the creature and with a little reverse engineering and some input from the GM I should be able to make a first level BT for my homebrew game.
I bought the mod because I've decided to GM a game and figured this would be the quickest and easiest way to get the players accustomed to the new system. Well that and I've never GM'ed a game before. Hold on, let's put a pin in that last statement (I will post about being a first time GM later in the month) and focus on the mod.
The adventure is pretty straight forward. A ghost ship pulling a mysterious asteroid has parked itself right outside of Absalom Station. Its the PC's job to answer all the questions that normally come with an empty ship towing a rock. The mod also features a few new monsters/aliens, which serves as a nice preview until the Alien Archive hits the streets in October.
My fav of the new aliens/monsters is the Bone Trooper. What is a Bone Trooper you ask? Well, let me tell ya! Using space magic and technological experiments powerful space magic folks have been able to reanimate the dead. Some of these creatures are mindless, boring boobs easily controlled by their creators. While other, these Bone Troopers preserve their intellects, memories and personalities! That's right! Walking, talking space skeletons with all of their meatbag persona. We're talking space Skeletor, BABY!!! I think I found my PC race, that's of my GM is cool with it. There are a few stats for the creature and with a little reverse engineering and some input from the GM I should be able to make a first level BT for my homebrew game.
dead suns,
incident at absalom station,
role playing,
table top
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Why Do I Have the Urge to Paint Minis?
I can't explain it? I've never painted minis nor have I ever had the desire to. I know I would be terrible at it. and no! I am not fishing for complements. I lack the fine motor skills necessary to be a good mini painter. I know this because crafts are my weakness as a stay at home parent. Well, crafting and baking, which are similar in nature. These skills require a keen eye for detail and patience. Both of which I am sorely lacking.
But man! The idea of painting minis sounds killer!!! I blame Starfinder. Those space ship mini previews I have seen floating around on the interwebs look dooooope! I must paint you like one of those French girls... But I will yield! I must. I don't have the resources (I'm broke, fellow, I'm broke!) to buy the many items needed to paint minis. no, I must except my fate. Minis are not meant for me.....
But man! The idea of painting minis sounds killer!!! I blame Starfinder. Those space ship mini previews I have seen floating around on the interwebs look dooooope! I must paint you like one of those French girls... But I will yield! I must. I don't have the resources (I'm broke, fellow, I'm broke!) to buy the many items needed to paint minis. no, I must except my fate. Minis are not meant for me.....
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Heavy Gigs in Seas Side City Episode 2
The plot thickens for our B-Sides as they track the StarFall Daisho to the Iron Crab market only to be confronted by Chairman Kaga and his elite army of killer chefs! But will they be friend or foe? Join DJ Anton K and B-sides John, Bob, Jason and Jim in their next 70s-tastic adventure!
This is a play through pod that sounds more like an old school radio play. We have a great DJ and wonderful players. Give this pod a listen. Hell, listen to all the play through pods on the Good Pencil network.
Heavy Gigs Episode 2
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Spirit of 77 Podcast
"Heavy Gigs in Sea Side City,the pod we are doing based around the MonkeyFun Studios game Spirit of 77.
I play a sleuth named "the Great" Buddy White, a former professional wrestler tragically injured in a horrific plane crash. After the injury, Buddy trades in the bright lights and tights of the pro wrestling circuit for the grit and grimy life of a private eye. Think Dusty Rhodes meets Jim Rockford.
Our DJ (GM in this system) is Anton. He's done an amazing job crafting a crazy fun world for the players to explore. Speaking of the players, we have a wonderful group. They are Jim (playing a time traveling rock star,) Jason (a hard living, hard driving good old boy) and John (a sexy disco owner who has a bit of blood lust.)
As I've mentioned in other posts, this game system is easy to play and loads of fun. Check out the episode and enjoy!
Spirit of 77 play through podcast
I play a sleuth named "the Great" Buddy White, a former professional wrestler tragically injured in a horrific plane crash. After the injury, Buddy trades in the bright lights and tights of the pro wrestling circuit for the grit and grimy life of a private eye. Think Dusty Rhodes meets Jim Rockford.
Our DJ (GM in this system) is Anton. He's done an amazing job crafting a crazy fun world for the players to explore. Speaking of the players, we have a wonderful group. They are Jim (playing a time traveling rock star,) Jason (a hard living, hard driving good old boy) and John (a sexy disco owner who has a bit of blood lust.)
As I've mentioned in other posts, this game system is easy to play and loads of fun. Check out the episode and enjoy!
Spirit of 77 play through podcast
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Gen Con 50
I gotta tell you, on my way to Indy (a two hour drive from Cincinnati) I had no idea what to expect. It sounds crazy but I was also a little nervous. Why? I have no idea, just felt a bit apprehensive. I had built the event up so much in my mind, I was afraid the event wouldn't live up to expectations. Boy, was I wrong.
The show was sold out. That means single day badges as well as four day passes were gone. I think this also played into my nervousness. The thought of all those people made me a little uneasy but again, I was mistaken. The space is HUGE!!! Three halls of the convention center was filled with vendors. Paizo had set up an impressive make-shift store jammed packed with all things kinds of goodies. Well, everything minus the new Starfinder core rule book. Those bad boys sold out Thursday afternoon. Yep, the entire inventory for a four day show gone in an afternoon. There were three halls dedicated to magic and other card/board games. All of the ballrooms that line the hallways of the convention center were all filled with people playing games.
But that's not all. The show takes over downtown. The street in front of the convention center is shut down and 40 food trucks lined up to serve the hungry con goers things like pizza, BBQ, Chinese noodles and evn fro-yo! All of the adjacent hotels' ballroom and conference room space were filled with games, many which ran until 3am. Lucas Oil stadium, home of the Colts was transformed into a game library, filled with tables and gamers. Meaning your wizard was free to goblins on the 50 yard line! Crazy right? Nope, not the craziest part. The rest of the stadium, was turned into a LARPing dungeon crawl! Yep! A real life crawl in the hallways of Lucas Oil Stadium! how crazy is that!
There was way too much going on for my one day visit however, I don't feel like I was short changed. I played in two con organized games (Tales from the Loop and Hollow Earth Adventures. Both of which I will discuss later in some detail) and I was able to purchase some cool stuff from the many vendors.
If you love gaming and never attended you should go. it was that much fun. I have decided I will go every year for the rest of my life! See you there!
I gotta tell you, on my way to Indy (a two hour drive from Cincinnati) I had no idea what to expect. It sounds crazy but I was also a little nervous. Why? I have no idea, just felt a bit apprehensive. I had built the event up so much in my mind, I was afraid the event wouldn't live up to expectations. Boy, was I wrong.
The show was sold out. That means single day badges as well as four day passes were gone. I think this also played into my nervousness. The thought of all those people made me a little uneasy but again, I was mistaken. The space is HUGE!!! Three halls of the convention center was filled with vendors. Paizo had set up an impressive make-shift store jammed packed with all things kinds of goodies. Well, everything minus the new Starfinder core rule book. Those bad boys sold out Thursday afternoon. Yep, the entire inventory for a four day show gone in an afternoon. There were three halls dedicated to magic and other card/board games. All of the ballrooms that line the hallways of the convention center were all filled with people playing games.
But that's not all. The show takes over downtown. The street in front of the convention center is shut down and 40 food trucks lined up to serve the hungry con goers things like pizza, BBQ, Chinese noodles and evn fro-yo! All of the adjacent hotels' ballroom and conference room space were filled with games, many which ran until 3am. Lucas Oil stadium, home of the Colts was transformed into a game library, filled with tables and gamers. Meaning your wizard was free to goblins on the 50 yard line! Crazy right? Nope, not the craziest part. The rest of the stadium, was turned into a LARPing dungeon crawl! Yep! A real life crawl in the hallways of Lucas Oil Stadium! how crazy is that!
There was way too much going on for my one day visit however, I don't feel like I was short changed. I played in two con organized games (Tales from the Loop and Hollow Earth Adventures. Both of which I will discuss later in some detail) and I was able to purchase some cool stuff from the many vendors.
If you love gaming and never attended you should go. it was that much fun. I have decided I will go every year for the rest of my life! See you there!
gencon 50,
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Game Night! Spirit of 77
By far, the funnest game I am currently playing in (we will see if that is the case after I get my Starfinder book) is Spirit of 77 from Monkeyfun Studios. For those of you who have never heard of the game, Spirit of 77 started out on Kickstarter (which seems to be the birthplace of many inventive games) and after a successful campaign the game went game shops and sites. Spirit of 77 is the exploitation film of table top RPGs. Players can play boppers (think "The Warriors"), sleuths (Kojack or Columbo) or a good old fashioned tough guy (Kane from Kung Fu) in an alternate reality where Nixon was never impeached and Agnew was sent to Mars, or something like that.
Anyway, the game is a real blast. The system is a easy to pick up D6 system with little math needed. The core rule book even goes as far to say the most important rule of the game is to "have fun," and "if something in the rules is not fun, then ignore it, change it, or make something up." It is truly a players game with the point being to have a good time. And man, do they hit the mark!
If you are a fan of exploitation films of the 70's or the Rockford Files, this is the table top RPG for you.
Anyway, the game is a real blast. The system is a easy to pick up D6 system with little math needed. The core rule book even goes as far to say the most important rule of the game is to "have fun," and "if something in the rules is not fun, then ignore it, change it, or make something up." It is truly a players game with the point being to have a good time. And man, do they hit the mark!
If you are a fan of exploitation films of the 70's or the Rockford Files, this is the table top RPG for you.
Monday, August 14, 2017
The Intro
I want to get down to business. I plan on use this blog as a review, game/character journal, links to the podcasts of the games we are running and so much more.
As for the games I am currently playing are:
Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition (Swordmage/Sorcerer hybrid)
Pathfinder (Swashbuckler)
Spirit of 77 (Sleuth, All Star)
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