I gotta tell you, on my way to Indy (a two hour drive from Cincinnati) I had no idea what to expect. It sounds crazy but I was also a little nervous. Why? I have no idea, just felt a bit apprehensive. I had built the event up so much in my mind, I was afraid the event wouldn't live up to expectations. Boy, was I wrong.
The show was sold out. That means single day badges as well as four day passes were gone. I think this also played into my nervousness. The thought of all those people made me a little uneasy but again, I was mistaken. The space is HUGE!!! Three halls of the convention center was filled with vendors. Paizo had set up an impressive make-shift store jammed packed with all things kinds of goodies. Well, everything minus the new Starfinder core rule book. Those bad boys sold out Thursday afternoon. Yep, the entire inventory for a four day show gone in an afternoon. There were three halls dedicated to magic and other card/board games. All of the ballrooms that line the hallways of the convention center were all filled with people playing games.
But that's not all. The show takes over downtown. The street in front of the convention center is shut down and 40 food trucks lined up to serve the hungry con goers things like pizza, BBQ, Chinese noodles and evn fro-yo! All of the adjacent hotels' ballroom and conference room space were filled with games, many which ran until 3am. Lucas Oil stadium, home of the Colts was transformed into a game library, filled with tables and gamers. Meaning your wizard was free to goblins on the 50 yard line! Crazy right? Nope, not the craziest part. The rest of the stadium, was turned into a LARPing dungeon crawl! Yep! A real life crawl in the hallways of Lucas Oil Stadium! how crazy is that!
There was way too much going on for my one day visit however, I don't feel like I was short changed. I played in two con organized games (Tales from the Loop and Hollow Earth Adventures. Both of which I will discuss later in some detail) and I was able to purchase some cool stuff from the many vendors.
If you love gaming and never attended you should go. it was that much fun. I have decided I will go every year for the rest of my life! See you there!
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